Caring For Your Hardwood Floors
Everyday Cleaning: Sweep or vaccuum up loose dirt, then use a dry swiffer to dust. Miniwax, Bona and Bruce manufacturers all make hardwood floor cleaners that will do the job. GSHF recommends Bona products as we have tested them on our own floors and they are certified as "Green Guard" products which are environmentally friendly. Bona products are available for purchase.
Do no not use Orange Glow, Endust, Pledge, Old English or Murphy's Oil Soap! These products will all say they can be used on hardwood flooring; however, this is only true if you plan on having them sanded down and refinished. These listed products will harm your floor finish.
Professional Cleaning: GSHF offers professional cleaning of hardwood flooring and other hard surfaces. Professional grade machinery agressively scrubs the flooring to remove build up of dirt and contaminants and leaves floors streak free without depositing a film. The green technology utilized in the cleaner utilizes low VOC, NMP-free and low impact green products for hardwood floors. This can be done as a routine maintenance procedure quarterly. Seemingly clean floors will produce a dirty solution tank of soiled water.
Fixing minor issues without sanding: Although, severely damaged floors require sanding and refinishing, minor stains and scratches can be fixed most of the time. There are a few quick fixes that can do the trick. On resin finishes, you can prevent most stains by wiping up the spill quickly. A well-waxed finish will also rebuff many stains. If a spot persists, use the following tips:
Clean ink and animal stains with steel wool and floor cleaner. Wash area with vinegar; let sit for three to four minutes. If the spot remains, sand with fine sandpaper, feathering into surrounding areas.
To correct black spots on hardwood floors--dissolve three tablespoons of oxalic acid crystals in one cup of hot water. Brush the mixture on the black spots. If they are caused by water they will disappear. Repeat if necessary. Wipe surface with a damp cloth and let dry.
Rub alcohol spots with liquid or past wax, silver polish or barely dampened with ammonia. Rewax the affected area.
Saturated oil and grease stains should be cleaned by using cotton doused in hydrogen peroxide and placing over the stain. Then saturate another layer of cotton with ammonia and place it over the first one. Repeat until stain is gone.
Rub heel marks vigorously with fine steel wool and a good floor cleaner. Wipe dry and polish.
Mold or mildew is a surface condition caused by damp conditions or stagnant air. Give the room proper ventilation. Existing mold can often be removed with a good cleaning fluid.
Cigarette burns can often be removed if they are rubbed down with steel wool. For increased effectiveness, moisten the steel wool with a mild solution of soap and water.